Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Project #3: Augmented Reality

Artist Statement: For the final project this semester, ART 350S set up a table outside of the UNR Knowledge Center and asked passerby's to mold statues out of clay. We figured that since our school doesn't have many sculpture gardens, it would be awesome to create a virtual one of student-curated works. After students finished their sculptures, we divided and conquered. My partner for the project, Michael Villanueva and I took the iSense 3D scanner and scanned the clay sculptures so that we could manipulate them in Autodesk Maya 2015. Using the software, we colored the models and were able to do some back-end database work in order to have these functioning augmented reality sculptures through the Layar app. Our sculptures were pretty much all things that should be in the air, and we made them bright and vibrant since they look like children's toys. Anyone can view these sculptures outside of the UNR Knowledge Center by downloading the Layar app on their smartphone, searching up "Derp Squad :D" under GeoLayers, and moving to see the point of interest.

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